Taxes on real estate in Turkey
When buying a property in Turkey, you are sure to get a tax number and, in fact, become a taxpayer.
What taxes are waiting for you? There are not so many of them.
Firstly, it is a tax on a purchase-sale transaction. You only pay it once. Now it is 3% of the cadastral value indicated in the ownership right. In practice, the cadastral value is reduced by half, compared to the market value.
Secondly, it is an annual property tax. In Turkey, it is quite small and depends on the location of your property: 0.11 - 0.22% of the same cadastral value. That is, for example, if you have a two-room apartment in Antalya, then the annual tax on it will be about 50 Euro.
That's all your expenses, in case you purchased an apartment and do not get income from it.
If you bought an apartment and rented it, then, under Turkish law, you are required to pay income tax. Income tax is levied on rent income exceeding the annual amount of 3,900 Turkish liras. Tax rates vary depending on income: from 15% to 35%.